Bristol Green Party have condemned the tasering of Ras Judah Adunbi in Easton on Saturday night. Ahead of an emergency ‘Justice for Judah’ public meeting to be held in St Paul’s on Saturday Green Councillor Cleo Lake said:
“This represents another occasion when an innocent citizen finds themselves subject to unwarranted harassment. When the footage came out I was shocked to see a respected elder from the community tasered. These actions were disproportionate and totally uncalled for.
Cleo continued,
“We are in challenging times and we must speak out for what we deem as unacceptable policing. Lessons must be learnt from this incident. I hope we can come together as a community to influence change in the way the police and those in power approach our community and all citizens.
I support the ‘Justice For Judah campaign’ and I will be there at the meeting on Saturday. We need a peaceful coming together to help scrutinise the incident and to bring forward plans that ensure that this doesn’t happen to anyone else. This is an embarrassment for Bristol but with the blessing of Ras Judah the campaign is determined to make something positive out of this.
The Avon and Somerset Community Liaison co-coordinator Keith Openshaw said recently that, ‘In a world where wall building appears to be both the figurative and literal go to option these days working together seems more of an imperative than ever.’
I echo these sentiments – I believe in bridges not walls. Actions though must speak louder than words, this meeting isn’t about police bashing it’s about highlighting our rights, looking at procedures and finding a way forward for a better Bristol.”
The emergency community meeting takes place on Saturday 28th January from 6.30pm at Kuumba on Hepburn Road in St. Paul’s.