function testSelect(form) {
//get year they moved;
yearraw = form.years.selectedIndex;
//get current monthly rent;
rentraw = form.inputbox.value;
//annual average overpaid rent 2012 to 2020;
var rents = [125, 922, 523, 1446, 1916, 2486, 2902, 2032, 3110];
//cumulative overpaid rent in millions by 2020- starting from 2012;
var totals = [869, 863, 818, 792, 717, 614, 476, 309, 188];
//average rent in 2020 if only followed wage inflation;
inflationrent = 916;
//weight actual rent vs average rent;
weight = rentraw / 1175;
//sum the yearly overpay using year they moved;
var sliceyears = rents.slice(yearraw,);
var sumyears = sliceyears.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
//apply weight to overpay;
overpay = sumyears * weight;
overpayd = Number(overpay);
//rent if only inflated x weight;
currentinflatedrent = inflationrent * weight;
var outputboxa = document.querySelector(‘span.outputboxa’);
var outputboxb = document.querySelector(‘span.outputboxb’);
var outputboxc = document.querySelector(‘span.outputboxc’);
var outputboxd = document.querySelector(‘span.outputboxd’);
var outputboxe = document.querySelector(‘span.outputboxe’);
outputboxa.innerText = Math.round(currentinflatedrent).toLocaleString(“en-GB”);
outputboxb.innerText = Math.round(overpayd).toLocaleString(“en-GB”);
//display stuff;
outputboxc.innerText = totals[yearraw];
yearnum = 8 – yearraw;
outputboxd.innerText = yearnum;
outputboxe.innerText = 2012 + yearraw;

Are you a private renter in Bristol? Do you think you pay too much rent? You’re probably right!

Bristol Green Party has compared rent rises since 2011 with how much wages have risen.

Do you want to know how much MORE rent you’ve paid to your landlords than if rents had kept pace with our ability to pay?


Your info:


What is your current monthly rent? £

Continue to find out your results…


Your results:

If rents had only increased with wages, you’d now be paying
£ per month

So you’ve overpaid your landlord
£ in the past years!

We think that’s not fair. Continue to find out what all Bristolians have overpaid in that time…



The total overpaid by Bristol renters since is

£ million!

Incredible. The total overpaid by Bristol renters since 2012 is £868 million! That’s enough to buy every rented property in Bedminster today.

But don’t just get angry about this – let’s do something together.

Take action:

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Demand a Fair Rent for Bristol!

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Join the Bristol Big Housing Conversation 2022 Renters Summit!

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