Bristol Council is consulting on a new Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) in the city centre, which would set licensing restrictions on night time economy businesses like bars, clubs, restaurants and late night food takeaways. The proposal is being supported by statistics supplied by Avon and Somerset police. The plans would update the previous city centre CIA with a revised boundary that excludes Broadmead shopping area.
Green councillors are supportive of the proposal, having raised concerns about the loss of CIAs in other parts of the city when they were removed following national licensing changes in July.
Leader of the Green Group, Councillor Eleanor Combley said:
“I’ve responded to the consultation to support a Cumulative Impact Area in the city centre and I’d encourage others to do the same. The police have shown clear evidence of the difficulties of policing the centre to prevent crime and protect public safety, particularly at the most challenging times, past midnight into the early hours.
“We know residents are concerned about the loss of the other Cumulative Impact Areas, and the impact this will have on their ability to challenge unsuitable applications. To be clear: you can still object to an application, for example if it is going to create a public nuisance by causing noise into normal sleeping hours. You can also raise the issue of cumulative impact, if there are too many similar venues, even if there isn’t an area in place. Your local councillor can give you support and advice with this.
“You should also contact your local councillor if you think there is a case for reinstating the CIA where you live – I and any Green councillor will be happy to work with you.”
The consultation closes on 28 October and is available at