Known professionally for their millinery work for stage and screen, Ani is also a costume designer and project manager. Ani shares their knowledge as a lecturer in millinery and Alternative Materials at a several universities such as St Martins, Wimbledon and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. In 2013 they founded Milliners’ Guild which promotes sustainability and ethics in millinery, both in terms of materials used and for those producing work. Ani chairs the Traders and residents association fore their local area and works closely with the local and wider small business community to support all with it. Ani was a founding member of Bristol Art Fringe, an initiative to support artists unable to take part in standard art trails.
Ani has long combined their creative work with environmental and political actions. Ani has worked in social research, delivering projects in conjunction with Sustrans to increase engagement in active travel. Ani is a member of several unions, including ACORN, UCU and BECTU, and has served as a union rep. Ani has volunteered for charity organisations including night shelters, domestic violence and mental health organisations.
Ani was originally elected to Cabot ward in 2015, and served as chair of planning committee and council group leader. Ani has chaired planning committee again (DCB) since 2021, and sits on the advisory board of Broadmead, City Centre, and Redcliffe & Temple BiDs, and for Visit West. Ani is Shadow Cabinet member for Culture, Communities, Equalities and Public Health.
Ani is a passionate advocate for marglinised demographics, and identifies as queer, disabled and working class. Ani was first out trans leader of a council group in Bristol and the UK.
Ani is also an oil painter and sculptor. In their spare time, Ani likes to wild camp and walk. But closer to home, spend time container gardening, bird watching, growing their collection of rescued cats and fabric stash.
You can also follow their Twitter, @CentralBGP and like their Facebook Page @CentralBristolGreens.