Green Party Leader, Natalie Bennett, says Greens have overtaken LibDems in European Election Voting Intentions.
Green Party Leader spoke to a Group of green activists in Bristol Today. She claimed a recent yougov poll of voting intentions for for next years European elections put The Green Party ahead of the Liberal Democrats.
The south west region only narrowly missed sending a Green MEP to europe in 2009 . The six current MEPs are made up of three Conservative, Two UKIP and One LibDem.
Natalie Bennett, Green Party leader said ” a recent poll from yougov of voters intentions in next years european election puts the Green Party on 12% ahead of the Liberal Democrats on 10%”
Emily McIvor a candidate in next years election told how the Green Group of 48 MEPs were the fourth largest group in the European Parliament “. In 2009 16% of the votes cast in Bristol were for the Green Party , she said ” Voters in Bristol will play a vital role in sending a Green MEP to Europe’.
Green Party leader Natalie Bennett said today that the Green Party stood for “Three Yeses – yes to a referendum, yes to major EU reform and yes to staying in a reformed Europe”.
For more information, contact Rob Telford on 07756-355-547
Info on the research itself see below: