Green Party members in Southville have launched an on-line petition calling on bus companies and the council to provide regular services direct to Temple Meads.
At present there is no route between the city’s main rail station and much of the south-west of the Bristol, including Bedminster and Southville.
The Greens’ initiative follows a survey that shows the missing link is a priority for many residents.
The petition is on the council website at
Councillor Tess Green said
“I have had many people come up to me on a regular basis at my street surgery and elsewhere, and the need for a regular bus link to Temple Meads keeps cropping up. I’d like to explore funding opportunities to help get a service underway”
Green candidate for Southville, Charlie Bolton said
“A direct link would not just help this ward, it could make life easier for everyone on this side of the city, and for everyone coming here for work, shopping, or entertainment.
Tess and I have already talked with First Bus, and we hope next to get the council on-side. The petition will help with that, and I hope it will attract signatures from many more who use public transport in south-west Bristol
With ambitious development plans emerging around Temple Meads, it’s all the more important to make sure our transport network is fit for purpose.”
Note 1:
The Green Party survey asked a number of questions about the bus service, ranging from local residents views of the price, frequency, and what routes they would like to see which don’t exist at the moment. The results showed that something like 80% of people thought fares too expensive. Perhaps more surprisingly, around the same number thought the frequency of the existing service was satisfactory or good.
When it came to destinations wanted, a number of issues came up. These included requests for services to the hospital, different parts of the city centre and Clifton. However, the stand out result came from those wanting to get to Bristol Temple Meads (62 out of 162 ie 38%).
Note 2:
Charlie Bolton, who served as a Southville councillor from 2006 to 2010, will stand again in May when the present councillor, Tess Green, steps down after representing the ward for four years.
Note 3:
The picture above shows Charlie Bolton in North Street. A higher definition copy is attached