Commenting on the results in the Dutch elections which saw a surge in support for the Green Left Party, Groen Links, Molly Scott Cato, Bristol’s Green MEP and candidate for Bristol West said:
“The politics of hate has been rejected in the Netherlands, and Greens have helped that happen. The Dutch election saw the Green vote quadruple overall, but the Green Left Party came first in Amsterdam, a city comparable to Bristol in many respects. This result will be a further boost to Greens in Bristol who are already receiving between a fifth and a quarter of the vote.
“Bristol is a progressive city where the majority of Bristolians are proud of the city’s diversity and cosmopolitan outlook. This explains why in the EU Referendum two-thirds voted to remain in the EU, a figure that reached almost 80% in Bristol West where the Greens came second in the 2015”
Led by Jessie Klaver (pictured), the Dutch Greens have seen a dramatic surge in their vote despite considerable media attention being devoted to right wing populists. In Amsterdam, the Dutch capital, the Greens are now the largest party.
Tony Dyer, the Green Party candidate for Bristol South added;
“I have long connections with Amsterdam both personal and commercial and there are elements about the city that often reminds me of Bristol. Both are medium sized port cities with the flow of cultures and ideas that such an environment often encourages, and both have thriving green counter-cultures. Last year, Bristol Greens achieved almost 20% of the vote here in Bristol, and Groen Links have now achieved almost 20% of the vote in Amsterdam. Having met previously with representatives from the Dutch Greens I am encouraged by the way they have increased their vote – leaping from 6th to 1st in Amsterdam – whilst retaining their core values.”
“I look forward to congratulating the Dutch Greens in person when we meet up with them at the Global Green Conference in Liverpool later this month.”