The Green Party has entered the debate on immigration today by revealing a ‘migrant mug’ in response to a Labour Party merchandising catastrophe.
The new mug, commissioned only this morning, will feature the slogan: ‘Standing up for Migrants’.
Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party, said:
“The Labour mug highlights a serious issue – the way in which politicians have pandered to Ukip instead of standing up to them.”
“The Green Party is clear – it is government policy, not immigrants, that is responsible for major problems in our society such as low wages, overstretched schools and hospitals and a shortage of housing.”
“The Green party want an immigration system that treats people fairly. We’d see an end to routine immigration detention, a fair approach to refugees and a system that doesn’t break up families.”
A spokesperson for the Green Party said:
“Labour know the real life effects of cheap rhetoric on immigration, and it’s a great shame to see them lower the tone of the debate. The Green Party want a fair, humane and controlled migration system that celebrates, rather than demonises, migrants in this country. Attacking migrants for this country’s problems really is a mug’s game”
The new Green Party mug is available here: