Yesterday, Bristol Green Party passed the milestone of reaching 2200 members! Today, in celebration, high profile national Green Party people came to meet Bristol Greens at the Victoria Rooms. Bristol Green Party’s guests included Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, Jean Lambert, Green Party MEP for London, Baroness Jenny Jones, the Green Party’s representative in the House of Lords, London Assembly Green member Darren Johnson and Jack Monroe.
They met a large crowd of about 200 cheering Bristol Green Party members outside the Victoria Rooms as the local party ratchets up its action into its highest gear to win the Bristol West parliamentary seat on Thursday, and send Darren Hall as its Green MP to Westminster to sit alongside Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion.
The recent growth in the Green Party, especially in Bristol, has been phenomenal, and means that the Green Party is well placed to win its first Green MP in Bristol. The most recent polling 10 days ago in the Bristol West constituency puts the Green Party within touching distance of winning the seat. The poll shows that the election is between the Green Party and Labour, with the Liberal Democrats trailing in third place.
Independent onlookers keep remarking on how many Green Party posters there are up throughout the whole of Bristol West constituency, easily more than any other party. You only have to look around you as you walk or ride about in the constituency to see the truth of this, to see the huge number of Vote Green Party posters everywhere. So it seems clear that the level of support for the Greens is very high. Labour keep trying to say that it is between them and the Liberal Democrats, trying to pretend that the Greens don’t exist, because the Labour Party knows full well that when people see the reality, that the Liberal Democrats are trailing in third place in the latest poll, that there are more Green Party posters in windows than any other party, and that the Greens therefore have a very good chance of winning, it would badly damage Labour’s chances in Bristol West. Labour knows only too well, and fears, that more people than ever will be likely to vote Green when they know that the Greens really can win!
As well as the Bristol West parliamentary seat, the Green Party is also on course on Thursday to win new council seats across the city, expecting to make several further gains on Bristol City Council.