Green councillors are calling for half a million pounds currently allocated for contributing to a new aerospace museum in South Gloucestershire to be spent on child safety in
Bristol instead.
Greens have this week announced their amendment to the council’s 2016/17 budget, which is due to be debated and approved by Full Council on 16th February and proposes that the half a million is spent on infrastructure to improve road safety for children on routes to school across Bristol.
Southville’s Green Councillor Charlie Bolton, who tabled the amendment said:
“Outside schools in my ward, and across the city, there are near misses every day due to inadequate infrastructure. The schools know this, the local communities know this, but there isn’t currently the money to make the small infrastructure changes that are needed to ensure children can get to and from school safely.”
“It is not that I am against museums – I recently chaired a council enquiry day on the importance of culture in Bristol. But the Tory government’s cuts to local authorities mean more and more is being squeezed. In light of this we feel keeping our children safe has to be a priority over contributing to an aerospace museum.”
Leader of the Green Councillors Ani Stafford Townsend said:
“We know that Filton aerospace museum is something that Tory councillors have been lobbying hard for, and we understand it is close to many people’s hearts. I understand this as my father built Concorde engines, but he still feels that improving the safety of his grandson walking to school has to be the priority.”
“The Tory government’s drive to dismantle local government means less and less money is available for the crucial needs of the people of Bristol. If Tory councillors want enough money to support museums in a neighbouring authority, they should be joining the Greens in lobbying their colleagues in Government for more cash for Bristol.”
“Councillors in different areas have raised concerns over different aspects of safety at schools or on routes to schools. The funding is not there to get the work done. We submit this amendment to raise the profile of this problem and get something done.”
The Green amendment reads:
“Reallocate £.5m funding from Filton Aerospace Museum to create a £.5m fund for additional infrastructure which improves road safety for children on routes to schools across Bristol. The infrastructure projects to be identified in conjunction with Neighbourhood Partnerships, local schools and parents. This is in addition to the existing safer routes to school budget.”