Steve Clarke and Alan Baker Green Party candidates for Southville and Bedminster in next May’s elections will be joining local residents and supporters of the Alliance to Rethink Metrobus opposed to the proposed removal of the pavement alongside Imperial Arcade on Bedminster Parade. The removal of the pavement is one of a number of changes which impact on this local shopping street reducing pavement space for pedestrians by road widening and by the introduction of long new Metrobus bus stops for the Northern Fringe to Hengrove Metrobus.
The Metrobus Project Team are consulting on the Traffic Regulation orders needed to carry out the Metrobus changes until 9th Jan so now is the opportunity for the public to raise objections. The Alliance is hosting a petition to be presented to the Mayor and Metrobus Team and will be collecting signatures on Saturday.
Steve Clarke says
“Local residents consider the removal of the pavement is a crazy proposal and are angry at the lack of local publicity for this proposed change. I understand from a female resident that the footway outside Imperial Arcade allows women on their own to avoid walking through the arcade where they are largely hidden from view, so they are less at risk of personal assault, after dark. During the day the Arcade is often crowded with pedestrians including bikes, buggies and wheelchairs so the outside footway offers a fast-track route for pedestrians not using the shops. This footway must be retained.”
Alan Baker says
“Bedminster needs more pavement space rather not less. Encouraging more pedestrians and supporting local shopping streets are supposed to be top priorities for the Council but in this case, both appear to have been sacrificed for the Metrobus white elephant scheme.”
Candidates and local residents will be alerting local residents to the proposal and collecting signatures for their petition to the Mayor and Metrobus Project Team. The petition is at and on the Alliance to rethink Metrobus website. The petition is Metrobus Project Team and Mayor of Bristol: Drop the Metrobus proposal to remove footway space at Bedminster Parade, including the footway running along the outside of the Imperial Arcade, for road widening
Other pavement space to be removed for Metrobus
City Centre – 1.Pavement on the corner of Prince St and King St to be narrowed to allow Metrobus to turn
2. Paved area at the end of the fountains between St Augustine’s Parade and Baldwin St will become a bus only road.