Molly Scott Cato has joined the chorus of objections to a digital illuminated advertising board, following a visit to the proposed site in St Werburghs. The giant screen would measure 7.5 metres tall by 5 metres wide and would overlook the inbound M32 and junction 3.
A planning application has been turned down by Bristol City Council but the developers have appealed. There have been over 60 objections against the proposals, which include concerns over road safety due to the distraction of drivers and the screen creating ‘visual pollution’ and being incongruous to the area. Similar proposals have been banned across the globe, including in around 700 communities in the USA.
Molly said:
“This huge advertising board might be good for the corporations trying to push their products and services but it’s an unwelcome intrusion into the lives of local people. Up to 10,000 LED bulbs pumping out constant light and flashing images would create visual pollution as well as burning up energy equivalent to that used by 30 households each day.
“Then there is the critical issue of road safety. With nearly 2000 deaths and over 22,000 serious injuries on our roads every year we need to work at making our roads safer, not allowing a huge distraction to drivers which will makes our roads more dangerous.”
With developers having lodged an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, comments from residents and others are currently being invited.