Bristol Green Party is writing this to urge you to give the Green Party’s Tony Dyer your 1st preference vote for Mayor on Thursday 5th May.
We note that seven Bristol Green Party members have chosen to publicly endorse George Ferguson ( In response, we are writing this letter to publicly confirm that Tony has the full backing of his colleagues. These seven members acted entirely on their own initiative and are a very tiny number of the 2,100 members of Bristol Green Party. Bristol Green Party has collectively decided to field Tony Dyer as our candidate. We aren’t backing anyone else.
Perhaps more importantly, we are also writing to remind residents of Bristol that they get to express two preferences in the Mayoral election: a 1st preference and a 2nd preference. We would encourage everyone to vote for Tony Dyer as their 1st preference, and to give their 2nd preference to their next favourite candidate.
As a Party committed to positive campaigning, we are not going to take this opportunity to criticise other candidates such as George Ferguson or Marvin Rees. They are both passionate believers in Bristol who simply have different policy priorities to each other and to us. That’s democracy. Instead, we invite you to visit Tony Dyer’s online manifesto (, and see for yourself how he stands for both environmental and social justice for all Bristolians.
Since doubling our number of Councillors to 14 last year, Bristol Green Party have been having a positive impact on Bristol’s politics. The Greens’ budget amendment calling for a 2% council tax levy to fund adult social care was passed by Full Council, saving vital services for some of the city’s most vulnerable people. Greens’ work on the Ethical Lettings Charter led to it being adopted officially as Council policy. The Greens’ Assistant mayor job-share is the first time a cabinet position has been taken as a job share in one of England’s Core Cities. The Green Group’s leadership team is 80% female – the Green group leader, the Green Assistant Mayors, and the Green group whip are all female.
These are just highlights. More detail about individual Councillor achievements can be seen on our website (
If Green Councillors can achieve all this in one year, imagine what Tony Dyer could achieve as Bristol’s first Green Mayor in four!
We back him absolutely, and we urge you to back him too: #TonyFirst.
Ani Stafford-Townsend (Green Group Leader on Bristol City Council)
Sean Buchan (Bristol Green Party Co-ordinator)
Sent with the full backing of Bristol Green Party.