Your Green Councillors

Yassin and Shona’s priorities include:

  • Being available. Residents can contact us by email, phone, text or WhatsApp. We will represent residents in their dealings with council departments and will keep them informed of developments.
  • Making Lawrence Hill safer. There is a real problem in the ward with drug use and other antisocial behaviour. We will be constantly pushing those responsible to tackle the problems that residents experience. We are particularly concerned about parks, and the stairwells and foyers in council blocks.
  • Sorting out flytipping. This is something residents tell us about all the time. We think the council is lax about this, and we will be demanding resources go into identifying and prosecuting offenders.
  • School places. This is an escalating scandal in the ward. There is a particular problem with secondary school places, now that plans for the proposed new school on Silverthorne Lane have been called in by Whitehall. We will amplify the voices of concerned parents.
  • Air quality. According to council figures, Lawrence Hill has the worst air quality in the city. The Mayor has consistently promised action, but nothing happens and meanwhile, people continue to die at the rate of 300 a year across the city. We will make action on this a key part of our campaigns.

Contact us anytime on 07780 603 016 or

Yassin Mohamud

Your Green Councillor
