Green Party Candidate for Bishopston, Daniella Radice, is leading a workshop today on what the Environmental and Women’s Rights movements can learn from each other.
The workshop will be at the African-Initiatives Conference on Women’s Rights taking place in Broadmead Baptist church on Saturday 9th March.
Daniella said,
“As the only woman out of 15 candidates in the Bristol mayor election, it brought home to me yet again how women are under-represented in Bristol. At present, 17% of Bristol’s councillors are women. Women’s rights have achieved a lot over the past 100 years, but the struggle continues. Women are on the front line in the face of austerity due to cuts in public sector not to mention cuts to domestic abuse services and childcare. I am proud the Green Party makes sure its representation is shared equally between the genders. Indeed, both its MP, and national leader, are women. Saturday’s events will be a fantastic opportunity for exploring the connections between the Green Party and women’s rights.
“I also recognise the many similarities between the women’s and environmental rights movements. Both are about challenging existing power structures and questioning the assumptions of existing institutions. In this workshop I hope to have a good discussion on how the two movements can learn from each others’ experiences and think about how working together in the future might be profitable.”
African Initiatives is a rights organisation; challenging injustice. We believe that everyone has the same rights, but not all of us are able to exercise them. In partnership with African organisations we work with local communities on issues as diverse as women’s rights, land conflict, sustainable livelihoods and education. We support communities to find their own long-term solutions to the challenges they face by helping to build self-sufficiency and confidence through knowledge and skills; allowing people to claim and exercise their rights.
African Initiatives 3rd Annual Womens Rights Conference, full details here: